Blog Post

Self-Care is Simpler Than You Think

Michael Ceely • Jun 15, 2023

5 Habits You Can Adopt for a Healthy Lifestyle

Young man sitting in the lotus position

It seems lately that self-care has become overly complicated. A warm bath or a simple walk around the block no longer qualifies.

The definition of self-care has shifted toward luxury spas, expensive travel, and even retail therapy. This reimagining of self-care is thanks in part to advertisers and social media doing their usual thing: commoditizing everything.

As a result, self-care has been twisted into a sort of privileged practice accessible to only a few, while others are too bogged down in their daily lives to practice that "perfect self-care routine."

In reality, self-care is about making a few simple changes to your lifestyle that can help you feel better on a consistent basis. Nothing fancy about that.

Anybody can practice self-care by adopting a few habits that require very little time, money or planning.

Self-Care, Defined

In simple terms, self-care is about prioritizing yourself by taking time for your emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Many of us spend our time and energy caring for others while neglecting ourselves, leading to burnout, low energy, and poor health.

Self-care, simply put, involves activities to improve our overall quality of life. These activities can range from physical, such as exercise, to spiritual, like meditation. Since every individual is different, self-care can take varied forms. But it doesn’t have to be complicated.

A major misconception about self-care is the thinking that it is a practice separate from daily routine. While some self-care activities might require you to take time out, there are plenty of positive habits you can incorporate into your daily lifestyle.

Self-care is not about elaborate rituals; it only requires a few small changes to help you grow and flourish. Here are five positive habits anyone can adopt, starting today...

Pitcher of water with lemon slices in it

1. Hydration, Nutrition and Sleep

The human body is interconnected. If you are not giving it adequate fuel and sleep, it is bound to affect your mental and physical health. Providing your body with the necessary nutrition and hydration is a fundamental part of self-care, but is often ignored by many people.

Our dietary habits have changed through time and now processed foods make up most of our diets. Processed foods are chock full of carbs, which make us lethargic and leads to weight gain. These processed foods also mean that we deprive our bodies of other essential nutrients.

A balanced diet consisting of organic food and an adequate amount of water can do wonders for a person’s physical and mental health. It is the starting point for those who want to embark on a journey of self-care.

Woman sitting on the floor stretching her legs

2. Exercise

Exercise is necessary for your physical health but its effects on mental health are unbeatable. Regular exercise helps the body release endorphins and serotonin, both of which are essential for keeping anxiety and depression at bay. Exercising in a gym or a local park can also lead to making new social connections.

Everyone’s body and health are different, so it’s up to you to choose the form of exercise that best suits you. This can range from relaxing stretches to lifting heavy weights. You don’t need to push yourself beyond your physical limits to get the benefits of exercise. And you don’t need to be perfect. Fifteen minutes in the gym is better than zero minutes. 

Person holding a cell phone in front of a laptop

3. Block Social Media Toxicity

Limiting your social media exposure or avoiding it for periods of time is a great form of self-care.

All the hours spent on social media can eat into your self-esteem and train your brain to generate negative thoughts. Worse, excessive social media use can lead to a condition called comparison syndrome.

Try limiting your social media time to certain hours of the day, and be disciplined about it.

Want to learn strategies on how to break your social media addiction? Check out my post, Reclaim Your Time with a Digital Detox. 

Group of people walking along a rocky river

4. Find Your People and Keep Them

One of the most important parts of self-care is surrounding yourself with the right people. Self-care is not just about “me time.” Humans are wired for nurturing social connections. Find individuals who help you grow as a person and make meaningful connections with them.

To achieve this, you need to seek out venues of social interaction. Join a gym, a cycling club, a hiking group, or anything that forces you to leave the house and mingle. While this is easier said than done, it will be worth the effort. 

Yellow notebook with a pen and a plate of food on a table

5. Gratitude Journaling

Gratitude journaling is a powerful self-care practice that involves reflecting on and writing down the things you are thankful for in your life. This form of journaling can have a profound impact on your mental and emotional well-being by shifting your focus from what is lacking in your life to what you already have.

In fact, research suggests that the emotion of gratitude has healing effects.

By cultivating a regular gratitude practice, you can experience increased levels of happiness, reduced stress and anxiety, and improved relationships with others. Taking the time to intentionally focus on the positive aspects of your life can help you develop a more positive outlook and increase your overall sense of well-being.

Learn more about gratitude journaling in my post, Your New Morning Routine for Success.

Final Thoughts

In summary, self-care is simple. It doesn't have to be complicated, expensive or meticulously planned out. You don't have to have the perfect workout, or dedicate tons of time.

Ultimately, self-care is a form of self-love and incorporating healthy habits into your daily life keeps you being the best version of yourself.

Want some more ideas on how you can easily incorporate self-care into your busy life? Check out my post, 5 Self-Care Tips for Super Busy Professionals.

Photo of Michael Ceely

Michael Ceely is a licensed psychotherapist, serving clients online in California, Florida and Wisconsin

Disclaimer: Content on this blog and website is for informational purposes only and should not be considered professional advice.

Michael Ceely is a licensed psychotherapist, serving clients online in California, Florida and Wisconsin

Disclaimer: Content on this blog and website is for informational purposes only and should not be considered professional advice.

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